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Professional Trustee


Chief Executive Officer

Founding partner and CEO. She is a lawyer with a master degree in banking law and an in-depth experience in trust and wealth planning.


She is also as a professional trustee, as a result of twenty years working in the top management of important banks and for high profile clients. She is a lecturer in masters and management courses as well as a speaker at several conferences and seminars on trusts.


She is a member of Step and of the ‘Il Trust in Italia’ Association, where she has also acted as board member in the past years. She has also been a member of the “Official Chart of Accredited Professionals” of the ‘Il Trust in Italia’ Association, since its foundation.


She is author of many publications on specialised journals and of a monograph on trust published by Giuffrè. She is also collaborating, since its foundation, with “We Wealth” one of the most popular magazines in the wealth management sector.


Via Bocchetto, 6

20123 Milan

Phone: (+39) 02 99770180

Mobile: (+39) 380 1721832


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